Blood Lust | 1976 | Switzerland | Marijan David Vajda

Purportedly based on the real-life crimes of Kuno Hofmann (known in the press as the Vampire of Nuremburg), Blood Lust follows an unnamed protagonist who is largely an outcast to society at large. Deaf, mute and suffering through the trauma of being horrendously beaten by his sexually abusive father, the self-proclaimed ‘Mosquito’ begins to find solace in the company of corpses. After a young lady whom Mosquito cares for dies tragically in an accident, Mosquito’s grave-robbing tendencies become increasingly disturbed, leading to him drinking the blood of corpses, mutilating their bodies and eventually culminating in murder. Incredibly dour in tone and rather nihilistic in execution, the title alone would have been problematic enough for its conflation of sex and violence, but the film likely got into hot water over its downbeat tone and the actions of its near-necrophiliac main character.