Cannibal | 1977 | Italy | Ruggero Deodato

Known more commonly today as Last Cannibal World or Jungle Holocaust, this early cannibal effort is actually from the notorious Ruggero Deodato whose Cannibal Holocaust had practically kickstarted the entire saga with its infamy. Following greedy oil prospectors Rolf and Robert as they enter a dangerously dense jungle, the expedition goes awry when their plane is damaged beyond repair, forcing the pair to split up to survive the wilderness. The ill-tempered Robert however is put through a particularly trying ordeal as a cannibal tribe capture him and torture him, before he’s forced to adapt to nature’s savagery in order to escape. Featuring all of the hallmarks of the genre, including flesh-eating, fatal jungle traps, sexual violence and animal cruelty, it was in fact the film’s relation to Deodato and the title of Cannibal that got this noticed, especially as Derann’s version was the already butchered BBFC X-certificate print.