Invasion of the Blood Farmers | 1972 | USA | Ed Adlum

Made on an extremely low budget in upstate New York, this no-money shocker from Ed Adlum can arguably be lumped into the same category as Don’t Go in the Woods for its high comedy ineptness. After the discovery of local Jim Carey suffering a violent death, the residents of a small town soon discover that a nefarious group are experimenting on the local populace, imbuing their blood with a paranormal multiplying effect. It soon dawns that a secretive cult of druids are behind the scheme, wishing to resurrect their long lost queen using copious amounts of blood harvested from the locals. This is quite a difficult film to determine what exactly was so offensive, especially as it’s laden with poor effects, wooden (and oftentimes pantomime villain) acting, and inadequate writing. One can only suppose it’s the sheer inanity of it all… or the hyperbolic cover artwork.