New Adventures of Snow White | 1969 | Germany | Rolf Thiele

Hilariously unlike any preconceived notion of a video nasty, this German sexploitation picture is actually a relatively faithful adaptation of the original Grimm stories and is even known as Grimms Fairy Tales for Adults in the US. The tale starts once upon a time as two dimwitted brothers (both called Hans) gambol across a magical kingdom encountering anthropomorphic animals and fairytale characters aplenty. In their own way, they assist three maidens with their own individual plights, including Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, all whilst sexual innuendo and absurdities flourish with gay abandon. The film is essentially softcore pornography with a decisively stalwart committment to recreating the original tales for a mature audience. The inclusion of the two ugly sisters hacking off parts of their feet (a la the original story) combined with the sexualisation of what was traditionally expected to be a Disney-fied children’s story must have disturbed the DPP enormously.