Savage Terror | 1980 | Indonesia | Sisworo Gautama Putra

Even within the subgenre of cannibal exploitation films, Savage Terror manages to stand out for being the only such genre movie to hail from Indonesia, as well as featuring uncredited music scores from Kraftwerk and even John Williams’ Star Wars score. A group of students are deep within the wild jungles, happening upon a friendly indiginous tribe who initiate them into their family with grace and peace. Wanting to experience more, they venture even further, only to lose their tour guide to a booby trap, whereupon they are captured and held captive by a much more primitive set of natives. After enduring some torture, the group escape but must survive the harsh wilderness around them to make it back to civilisation. It certainly feels like its Italian counterparts but it strangely omits any actual cannibalistic flesh-eating scenes. The staple of real animal slaughter however is present and was clearly the real issue for the DPP.