The Executioner  | 1982 | USA | James Bryan

Released strangely under the original title of The Executioner Part II, this mad Vietnam vet vigilante movie was clearly meant to be an unofficial sequel to The Exterminator, making it a seemingly purposeful though retrospectively funny attempt to trick people into seeing it. An anonymous vigilante is going on several rampages throughout the city, killing criminals with careless abandon. Police officer Roger, along with reporter Celia, try to identify the mysterious killer after the crime rate seems to plummet in the face of his brand of justice. It only becomes more personal when Roger’s daughter and best friend becomes hopelessly embroiled in drugs, attracting the attention of a notorious pusher called Casallis. As the Executioner feels compelled to save the day, Roger can’t help but notice the strange behaviour of his old war buddy, Mike. While the film is pretty silly and scant on polish, the fact it shares its UK release title with the Duke Mitchell film of the same name meant it was occasionally dragged into the furore by police officers.