Tomb of the Living Dead | 1968 | USA/Philippines | Eddie Romero & Gerardo de Leon

Retitled in the UK to cash in on the name of director Eddie Romero, this ‘60s science fiction schlock is actually Mad Doctor of Blood Island, the third entry in the Filipino ‘Beasts of Blood’ franchise. Dr Foster travels to Blood Island, where a supposed outbreak has occurred of a mysterious disease, tagging along with Sheila and Carlo who have family on the island. In spite of reports of a violent beast attacking the island’s residents, both Carlo’s mother and physician Dr. Lorca are unwilling to reveal more, raising Foster’s suspicions. It soon becomes clear that the mysterious disease involving chlorophyll has some connection with the bestial creature running amok, with devastating consequences for Carlo’s family and the fate of the island’s people. The camerawork in the film leaves something to be desired with its nauseating zooms, but the cheesy ‘50s quality to the characters as well as the high level of gore make this at least an endearing watch. An unnecessary sequence of animals being stabbed in a ritual sacrifice was likely the scene that caused the DPP to crack down on the videotape.