Videodrome  | 1983 | Canada | David Cronenberg

Another of David Cronenberg’s highly influential and visionary science fiction horrors, Videodrome tackles a lot of still-relevant issues such as the consumption of entertainment, desensitisation to violence, media identity, and of course, bodily change. Max is the head honcho at a sensationalist TV station, always on the lookout for more outrageous material for his channel. He soon discovers the titular broadcast signal of Videodrome, which shows continuous snuff torture. Excitedly wanting to know more, he is thrust headlong into a nationwide conspiracy designed to rid the masses of fervent media viewers. Max’s body and his devotion to the mysterious Nicki begin to fluctuate wildly as the influence of Videodrome begins to take its toll. Uniquely in the video nasty scare, the police issued official warnings to film stockists in 1985, telling them not to stock copies or they would instigate prosecution proceedings. In response, dealers removed the film from their shelves until the police released a statement after viewing copies themselves, saying they would ultimately not be pursuing the film.